PDW design and construct electrical solutions for commercial and industrial buildings specialising in remote access lightning protection.
Pete Davies on 0419 554 100

If you are thinking of buying or selling, renting or leasing.
Jellis Craig have been producing results for people for many years.
Contact Scott Nugent on scottnugent@jelliscraig.com.au or 0438 054 993

Specializing in auto and marine servicing, repairs and engine rebuilding.
For assistance call
Noel Cartledge on 9431 3299

Glenn’s vision and leadership has seen his first and current businesses evolve from a single service business in the BMU industry to a medium sized company offering a range of facility management solutions.

Tree pruning and removals
Stump removals, Arborist reports,
Mulch sales, Consultancy, Hazard Assessment.
Ring Matt Crawford- 0407 048 411

For all of your Grocery, Dairy, Frozen Foods and Liquor needs.
97 Watsonia Road, Watsonia.
For any assistance call Levi Lie 0411 113 382

The workpit can provide all of your industrial clothing and workware at competitive prices.
For any help in this field please contact Stevy Watts on 0417 879 871

Specialising in home renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks and pergolas.
For assistance please call Matt
on 0401 454 581

Bank of Melbourne provide
Home Loans/ Car finance/ business finance
and many other financial products
For assistance contact
Tony Gray on 0466 409 404

Specialists in home renovations, kitchens, bathrooms, decks and pergolas.
For assistance please call
Matt Fleming on 0414 434 105